When an application asks MySQL for the Primary Key of a table, there are several ways to go about doing this. A fast way would be to use these statements:
DESCRIBE `dbName`.`tableName`; -- or SHOW INDEX FROM `dbName`.`tableName` WHERE `Key_name` = 'PRIMARY';
The result set would have to be parsed in order to get the column names. This is not a recommended way to get the PK columns due to its limited usefulness as the column names cannot be returned INTO a variable.
Another method often used is this SELECT statement that uses a table JOIN:
Depending on the number of tables and databases, this method may be slightly slower than the first method shown above. However, this method is more flexible as it allows a return of the output INTO a variable.
A better way to get the Primary Key columns is this SELECT statement that does not use a table JOIN:
SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'dbName') AND (`TABLE_NAME` = 'tableName') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');
Limitations: This is faster than the second method that uses a table JOIN. However, only the first method using DESCRIBE or SHOW INDEX can retrieve the PK columns of a TEMPORARY TABLE. This is because TEMPORARY TABLEs are invisible from the `information_schema` database (as of MySQL version 5.6).
Using the above formula, a function that retrieves the PK columns by passing the database and table names as parameters can be done. See the snippet below:
DELIMITER $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `getPKColumns` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `getPKColumns`( dbName VARCHAR(64), tableName VARCHAR(64)) RETURNS text CHARSET utf8 BEGIN DECLARE PKColumns TEXT; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`COLUMN_NAME` SEPARATOR '`, `') FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = dbName) AND (`TABLE_NAME` = tableName) AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI') INTO PKColumns; SET PKColumns = CONCAT('`', PKColumns, '`'); RETURN PKColumns; END $$ DELIMITER ;
Here's a sample that uses a SELECT statement to pass the database and table names in order to use the function:
SELECT getPKColumns('db', 'table');
The Primary Key column names returned are wrapped in backticks in case the name of the column turns out to be a reserved word. The function will correctly wrap the backticks even for cases where the table has multi-column Primary Keys. This implementation allows the function's return to be usable in many different scenarios such as in dynamic SQL statements. The output will be like:
`primaryKeyColumn1`, `primaryKeyColumn2`
Since Primary Keys are typically set up to be a single column or for lookup tables usually no more than two columns, the GROUP_CONCAT function can safely rely on the default value of group_concat_max_len which is at 1024 characters. There is no need to increase group_concat_max_len since a column name cannot exceed more than 64 characters which means there is very little risk of the result being truncated should the character count of the output exceed 1024.
Thanks !! Great !!
You're welcome Amit! :)
Thankssss using it now
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